【同义词辨析】 2018-05-28 丰富profuse-exuberant

profuse: implies pouring forth without restraint or in a stream: uttered ~ apologies.

lavish: suggests an unstinted, unmeasured, or extravagant profusion: a ~ wedding reception of obvious expense.

prodigal: implies reckless or wasteful lavishness threatening to lead to exhaustion of resources: ~ spending exhausted the fortune.

luxuriant: suggests a rich and splendid abundance: the ~ vegetation of a tropical rain forest. (vegetation: 1.植物总称, 2.单调生活)

lush: suggests rich, soft luxuriance at, or slightly past, the peak of perfection: nude portraits that have a ~, sensual quality.

exuberant: implies marked vitality, vigor and creative power in what produces abundantly or luxuriantly: a fantasy writer with an ~ imagination.

profuse大量不绝: 形容象倾泻的水流一样大量,lavish丰盛豪华: 不吝惜甚至铺张的大量,prodigal挥霍: 不计后果的浪费导致资源耗尽,luxuriant丰盛: 数量多到丰富眩目(rich, splendid),lush: 丰富奢华(或植物葱郁),达到或越过顶峰,exuberant: 形容有活力能量创造力

记忆方法:1)首字母PLPL LE: 漂亮漂亮了==>让生活更丰富

          2)丰富的意思是大量mean great abundance.